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Lines Served

This is a through station on the London Underground Circle and District Lines.


The tracks run approximately east/west between separate platforms with platform 1, serving westbound trains towards Embankment an Victoria lying south of platform 2, serving eastbound Circle Line trains towards Liverpool Street and King's Cross, or District Line trains towards Barking and Upminster.

The tracks run under the Monument Concourse, to which there is stairs-only access from the platforms. Note that there's also stairs-only access between the Monument Concourse and street level.

There is stairs and escalator access between platform 1, westbound and the DLR, and access to the Northern Line from each platform, see our guide to Bank Station for details. Note that this route is via a subway which provides an alternative route via which to change platforms in this station.


There is stairs-only access through this station. We therefore believe the station is accessible to Guide Dog users, but not to wheelchairs.

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© 2012, Terry Robinson

This guide is sponsored by
London Underground Ltd.
to whom we extend our sincere thanks.