Which Route?

  To reach the Main Entrance from Platform 6
To reach the South Entrance from Platform 1
To reach Either Entrance from Other Platforms via the Stairs
To Reach Either Entrance from Other Platforms via the Lifts

To Reach the Main Entrance from Platform 6

Get off the train and walk forward to locate the building, railings or stairs from the bridge (near the rear).
If you find the building, turn left and take the first turning right, locate the railings in front of you and turn left.
If you find the stairs, turn right, then left, across the foot of the stairs to locate the railings in front of you, then turn left.

Follow the railings, down the slope, turn right at the bottom and continue down. Follow the passage to the left till you reach the concourse; the exit is in the far right corner (about 1 o'clock).


To Reach the South Entrance from Platform 1

The exit is approximately in the middle of the platform; up the ramp into the concourse.

You should be about in the middle of an 8-car (rear of a 4-car) train. As you leave the train, cross the platform:

Go through the doorway into the concourse, bear slightly left to locate the exit then go down the ramp into the car park.


To Reach an Exit from Other Platforms via the Stairs

Locate the bridge, near the front of the train (northbound for Watford), or rear (southbound for Euston). Ascend the stairs and turn right for the main exit. The stairs begin shortly after you pass the stairs for platform 6. Go Down 17 steps, turn left then go down 10 then 11 more. The gate is in front of you. Continue forward to the exit.

Turn left for the south exit. Continue till you reach the wall then turn left (east), go down 14 then 14 steps to reach platform 1. Follow the building on your right, avoiding seats and locate the ramp to the exit. Go up the ramp, follow the building to your right into the concourse, then continue, bearing slightly left to reach the exit. Go down the ramp into the car park.


To Reach an Exit from Other Platforms via the Lifts

Go towards the front of the train (northbound, towards Watford), or rear (southbound, towards Euston), go round the stairs and continue to locate the lift building. On platforms 1, 2 -3 and 6, the lift door is facing you (east).
On platforms 4 - 5, however, the door is on the opposite side (west) of the building.

See Details of Lifts on this Station

As you leave the lift, onto the bridge, turn left for the main entrance, (right for the south entrance).

For the main entrance, locate the lift to platform 6, on your left.
Note that the wall juts out beyond this lift, before the stairs down.
On leaving the lift on platform 6, move to your right and continue, round the stairs and turn left to locate the railings. Turn left again, down the ramp, turn right at the bottom and continue, down the ramp.
Note that you're crossing an empty track bed which is normally closed off by gates, which aren't always closed.
Continue, into the passage and follow the passage to your left into the concourse. The exit is in the far right corner (1 o'clock).

Turn right for the south exit and locate the lift to platform 1, on your right. On leaving the lift, continue, round the stairs and follow the building on your right, avoiding seats. Go up the ramp, follow the building to your right into the concourse, then bear slightly left for the exit. Go down the ramp into the car park.


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© 2003 Terry Robinson