
We describe the location of the Museum in terms of the local road network before describing features around the outside of the building, including its entrances and exits.


The Museum is located in the section of Kelvingrove Park bounded to the south by Argyle and Sauchiehall streets, to the east by Kelvin Way and by the river Kelvin which curves around the north and west sides of this space.

Local Roads

Dumbarton Road leads east from the entrance to Kelvinhall Subway Station, which marks the limit of this survey. As we cross the river, the road veers right (southeast) to become Argyle Street. We pass the south entrance to Kelvingrove Park. Argyle Street veers left (east) before we pass two bus stops and the south entrance to the Museum. Beyond the south entrance to the Museum, Sauchiehall Street (north of east) joins Argyle Street. The first turning left (north) beyond this junction is Kelvinway which leads past the east entrance to this section of Kelvingrove Park.

Detailed Description of Roads

North Side of Dumbarton Road, Going East from Kelvinhall Subway Station

  row of shops
Byres Road

As you cross to the east, the post with push button and rotating cone is some distance to your left with the railings in front of you. When crossing towards the west, the post is some distance to your right, with the railings in front of you. There's also a sounder at this junction.

Continuing East from Byres Road
  row of shops
Church Street, no tactile, no pedestrian controlled crossing
side entrance to the hospital, the Anderson College Complex
another side entrance to the hospital
tactile paving indicates a crossing of Dumbarton Road
entrance road to hospital
exit from hospital car park
road to University
tactile on east side of this indicates an entrance into the park, before the bridge
wall juts out with large scale map of Kelvingrove Park facing you
Bus stop 6090232
bridge over the Kelvin, the road veers right and becomes Argyle Street

North Side of Argyle Street, Going East

A few metres east of the bridge, tactile paving near the kerb indicates the crossing of Argyle Street, towards the Museum of Transport. This single-stage crossing has a sounder, a post with push button to each side of you, at each end of the crossing, the right-hand post has a rotating cone. north of this crossing is the entrance to Kelvingrove Park which leads to the Museum.

You now pass metal railings to your right and three large posts on your left. The railings finish and the road veers left just before the bus stops.

Bus sop (bin, post then shelter) 6090231, serving:

You pass a large post on your left, before you reach the second stop.

Bus Stop (bin, post and shelter on right) 6090230, serving:

You pass a Large post on your left before you reach the gap to the forecourt outside the south entrance to the Museum, there are eight bollards across this entrance.

From here, you pass:

  post on left, advert for Museum
metal box
large post
open area to left with trees and lawns before building;
post on left
good tactile indicates crossing of Argyle Street

The Junction Between Argyle Street (East/West) and Sauchiehall Street (North of East)

West Arm, Argyle Street

This is a two-stage crossing with tactile paving at each end and on the central island. Since both lanes of traffic appear to stop simultaneously, this could be treated as a single-stage crossing. The post, with push button and rotating cone is to your right as you cross in either direction.

Continuing East on the North Side Argyle Street
  box on left
road veers left, becoming Sauchiehall Street
post on left
tactile indicates crossing of Sauchiehall Street
Northeast Arm, Sauchiehall Street

There's tactile paving at each end of this crossing. The post, with push button and rotating cone is to your right as you cross in either direction. At the time of our survey, there was an indistinct, central island, with a post towards the east (left as you cross towards the south).

East Arm, Argyle Street

This is a Single-stage crossing with tactile paving at each end. The post with push button and rotating cone is to your right as you cross in either direction.

The North Side of Sauchiehall Street, Going East

  vehicle exit from Museum car park, no tactile
railings on left
post on left

Bus stop with shelter, no number, Sauchiehall Street, serving:

  bin on left
lamp post on left
sign across pavement with two posts
post on left
crossing on Sauchiehall Street, at Radnor Street, no tactile
Kelvin Way with large stone post on each corner

The crossing of Kelvin Way

The posts with push button are north of the crossing (to your left as you cross towards the east). There is no tactile paving or rotating cones at this crossing.

The West Side of Kelvin Way, Going North

This road is tree-lined on each side; the roots have distorted the surface, creating an irregular series of ridges and troughs. As you move north, you pass:

  large, sharp post on right
lump in pavement, beside most trees
post on right
gap in railings towards Park Rangers' Centre and bowling greens
post on right
parking meter on left
post on right
railing on right, then crossing of Kelvin Way

This crossing has tactile paving at each end and a sounder. There's a post, with push button and rotating cone to each side of you at each end of the crossing.

  tree on left
vehicle entrance to Kelvingrove Park, the east entrance
post on left
parking meter on right
bridge over river, with ornate stone wall
post on left
walkway from west entrance
end of survey

The South Side of Sauchiehall Street, Going West from Radnor Street

Radnor Street runs south opposite Kelvin Way.

Bus Stop (post no shelter) 6090259, serving:

  • SPT 49 and 149 to Milngavie Station;
  • 17 to Largs;
  • 42 42a to Drumchapel or Antonine Park;
  • 16 to Blairdarbie;
  • 17 Arriva to Spateston;
  • 18 and 18a to Somerston.

As you continue west, you cross Clayslaps Road, with no tactile paving, before you reach the junction with Argyle Street.

The South Side of Argyle Street, Going West from the Junction with Sauchiehall Street

  box in middle
Hastie Street, wide pedestrianised street, no tactile paving, bins and telephone box to left
tactile paving indicates crossing of Argyle Street, west of the junction
Regent Moray Street, pedestrianised, no tactile paving, bollards and bus stop

Bbus Stop; (shelter, bin and post) 6090229:

This bus stop is located in the middle of Regent Moray Street, opposite the entrance to the Museum, serving:

  • 9 and 9a to drumchapel station;
  • 18 and 18a to Somerston;
  • 62 to Faifley;
  • 16 to Blairdarbie;
  • 42 and 42a to Drumchapel or Antonine Park;
  • 17 to Largs;
  • Arriva 17 to Spateston.

This stop incorporates the Streamline system, advising of next arrivals - visual only.

Continuing along Argyle Street, we Cross Blantyre Street, which is one way, traffic comes from your left (south). There's no tactile paving and no pedestrian control of this crossing. There's a taxi rank on the far (west) side, pick-up near Argyle Street.

You now pass the Kelvinhall International Sports Arena, on your left, you pass a large lamp post on your left. Almost immediately, the pavement becomes the left-hand side of the entrance road to Kelvinhall with bollards along the right-hand side of the pavement. On the other side of this road is the kerb with bollards then railings. This outer pavement soon widens.

Returning to the pavement on the left-hand side, you pass the wheelchair entrance to Kelvinhall. The left-hand pavement has ten bollards between Blantyre Street and the Kelvinhall building, where the left-hand pavement ends, a few metres beyond the wheelchair entrance, as the wall juts out.

The right-hand pavement as nine bollards between Blantyre Street and the canopy outside the entrance to Kelvinhall. We suggest you follow the railings along the right-hand pavement, past the entrance to Kelvinhall. Note the large post in the middle of the pavement at the start of the canopy. You pass a bin on your right then a large post in the middle of the pavement, which marks the end of the canopy.

The left-hand pavement resumes beyond the Kelvinhall entrance. This slip road now has bollards beside the pavement on each side. If you follow the left-hand pavement you pass railings on your left with trees, a metal box and more railings.

On your right is the crossing of Argyle Street, already mentioned, leading to the Kelvingrove Park entrance.

As you continue west on Argyle Street, you pass metal railings to your right and a large post about 60 cm in from the railings, before the railings turn left (south). Cross the slip road and continue south into Bunhouse Road, towards the Museum for Transport.

Bunhouse Road is one way, traffic comes from your right, there's no pedestrian control of this crossing. As you continue west on Argyle Street, you go over the bridge, the road veers left to become Dumbarton Road. Shortly after this you find Bus stop 6090233, serving:

  • 9 and 9a to Drumchapel Station;
  • 18 18a Somerston;
  • 62, McKindless to Faifley;
  • 16 to blairdarbie;
  • 42 42a to Drumchapel or Antonine Park;
  • 17 to largs;
  • 17 Arriva to spateston;
  • 62 First to Faifley.

This bus stop also has the Streamline system.

Entrances and Exits

The Rear, South Entrance

From the Entrance to Kelvingrove Park, North of the Crossing of Argyle Street

Follow the right-hand path, which has four bollards across the end, you begin walking southeast, the path curves left, towards the east, we suggest you follow the right-hand side where there's a kerb before the grass verge, whilst cars are usually parked on the left.

There's a relief model of the area to your right, just beyond the four bollards.

As you continue east, you pass a hedge to your right, adjacent to the kerb, this indicates where you'd turn left to go to the front entrance., Continue (east) between two bollards, onto the terrace below the rear entrance to the building.

From Argyle Street

Alternatively, continue on Argyle Street, past the two bus stops, a large post and a sign post to your left. Bear left and locate the low wall and follow this till you reach the entrance to the forecourt. There are eight bollards across this entrance.

From Sauchiehall Street

When approaching the entrance from Sauchiehall Street, you pass a large post, a metal box and a smaller post before the low wall which leads to the entrance.

The Rear Entrance

Although called "the Rear Entrance", this is the grander entrance to the building and is easier to locate from the main road, the buses and Subway station. A paved forecourt lies before (south of) the foot of steps leading onto a terrace which runs along the south side, comprising a section of the path which runs around the building. The area outside the entrance is covered by a canopy supported on each side (north and south) by four pillars, which divide the steps into three sections.

A further set of steps, divided into three sections, leads north from the terrace to the entrance itself.

To Reach the Steps to the Terrace

You should continue on Argyle Street beyond the second bollard in from each side before turning into the paved forecourt, this avoids sets of three posts supporting signs. Two gravel paths, one to each side of a lawn with seats, leave each side of the forecourt, leading to a circular, paved area at the foot of 11 steps from each end of the terrace. Note that there is step-free access to each end of the terrace from the path around the building. There's garden between the second paths and the wall below the terrace. There's also a flower bed between the terrace and building outside the canopy.

To Reach the Terrace

Go up 13 steps, going north, under the canopy. There's a hand rail up the left-hand side of the main steps from the forecourt to the terrace. There are four pillars dividing the steps into three sets.

The Terrace
West End

West of the steps from the forecourt are two bollards across the path leading from the car park and entrance.

To the East

As you move east from the top of these steps, the building juts out to the lift entrance. You enter facing north, turn right (east) to face the lift door. The call button is to your left of the door, at wheelchair height, in a metal box. Inside the lift, the buttons are on the north side, in two rows:

  • open doors and alarm
  • 0 and 1.

You come out facing east at ground floor level, go through an automatic door into the covered area outside the entrance.

To Enter the Museum

Continue north from the terrace. Four pillars divide the steps into three sets, with the hand rail to the far left-hand side. Note that these pillars are behind the first step from the terrace. Go up 13 steps, going north. There are three entrance ways, the right-hand is via a pair of pull doors, the middle is a large revolving door, whilst the left-hand is entered via a push-button controlled door to the left, whilst the right-hand one was a pull door at the time of our survey. The push button is between these doors, at wheelchair height. Inside these doors, a box juts north between the doors with an equivalent button.

Outside the Entrance
West Side

You go through an automatic door into a room with no special features, except the lift facing you. The call button is to your right of the door.

East Side

You go through a door into a shop selling cards, souvenirs and prints. The counter is in front of you.

The North Entrances

On the north side of the building. There are two entrances, the main entrance is into the lower ground level, whilst steps to each side of this lead up to the entrance at ground floor level.

Outside the Entrances

The main entrance is reached via a semi-circular, paved forecourt across the foot of two sets of steps to ground floor level, one to each side of the level entrance into the basement of the building. This is now the main entrance. There are seats in the northwest and northeast sectors of this forecourt.

The west Steps

Go up 7 steps, going south onto a landing with an ornate stone rail to your right (west) and the wall of the building with four windows facing you.

Turn levt (east) and go up 18 steps, going east onto the balcony outside the entrence. Note that the building retreats then returns before you reach the top step. There's a low wall beside the north side of these steps.

Most of the balcony is covered by a canopy extending from the building and there's a plinth of St. Mungo on the north side.

The Ground Floor Entrance

To your right (south) are steps leading to three double doors, of which only the centre pair is normally used. The right-hand (west) pair was locked at the time of our survey.

Go up six steps, going south through the doors, which opened outwards. You then go through another outward opening door into the foyer, before the Main Hall. There’s nothing of interest within the space between the two sets of doors.

Note that the outer sets of doors at the top of the steps would take you straight into the foyer without going through the second set.

The East Steps

These mirror the west steps, you go up 7 steps, going south from the forecourt, onto the landing with the ornate stone rail to your left and the wall with windows in front of you.

Turn right (west) and go up 18 steps, going west onto the balcony. Note that the building retreats then returns again as you go up these steps.

The main Entrance


The main entrance lies between the two stepped entrances. There are three gaps between pillars into the entrance area, gates can close these. As you enter facing south, you face three sets of doors to the building.

The right-hand (east) door is a single pull door, The central entrance is a revolving door between two pillars, whilst the left-hand (west) door is a single pull door.

Around the Building

A path runs round the building, including the terrace outside the south entrance and the forecourt outside the main entrance.

Going Clockwise from the Terrace, Outside the South Entrance

Having reached the terrace, from the forecourt outside the south entrance, turn left (west). You move past the lift entrance and out from under the canopy, past the steps to your left, towards the forecourt, then between the two bollards across the path leading toward Argyle Street.

If you follow the right-hand side of the path, you pass a low wall with a bollard beyond the end, turn right here and cross what appeared to be a vehicle delivery entrance to the building.

Continue north, there's a higher wall on the north side of the delivery road, set back east. As you continue north, you pass:

  Go up a step
bin to your right
post to your left
lawn to your right
building juts west to the edge of the pavement
blank door
post on left
parking meter, by building
blank door
building retreats east behind lawn
path veers left
post in lawn
bin on right
path turns right, east along the north side of the building
lawn to each side of path
car park to left
3 lamp posts in lawn to left
turning leads right into the Campbell Hunter Education Wing
lawn to each side
building juts out for main entrance
forecourt extends left to car park
disabled persons parking bays
parking metre, east of these
main and ground floor entrances to right
building retreats behind lawn
lawn to each side
path widens with bike stands to left
path turns right, south
exit road from car park to left (east), leading to Kelvin Way
building juts east, beside the path
blank door
bus drop-off area to left
cylindrical ventilator on right
blank door
turning right, west, leads to staff-only entrance
path turns west along the south side of the building onto the terrace
steps toward forecourt on left
go under canopy outside the entrance
steps to right into rear entrance

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