
This is the Auditorium Level. The main auditorium is the Pentland which occupies the middle of this space. Two smaller auditoria, The Sidlaw to the west and Fintry to the east, can be either used separately or joined to the Pentland Auditorium. To do this, the seating areas of the smaller auditoria are rotated through 180 degrees. This provides a total of 1200 seats, 600 for the Pentland and 300 each for the Sidlaw and Fintry.

The Pentland Foyer lies south of the Pentland Auditorium. The Foyer is reached via escalators or the Main Stairs, there are six steps up from the north side of the Foyer to the level of the Pentland Auditorium.

As at lower levels, a passage runs around the outside of this space. The passage is blocked by staff areas at the north side, so we'll consider this main passage in two sections - The Level 3 West and East passages.

The Level 3 Link Passage runs between the south segments of the West and East passages, curving from northeast through southeast. This passage lies between the doors to the Pentland Auditorium (north) and doors from the Pentland Foyer (south). Note that, although there's level access into the front of the Sidlaw and Fintry auditoria from this passage, you go up five steps to reach the Pentland. There is level access to the Pentland Auditorium from the middle segment of either the East or West sections of the main passage.

The West and East passages are divided into three segments. The south segments, which can be reached via push double doors from the Pentland Foyer, are at the ends of the Link Passage. The middle segments provide stairs access to the small auditoria and level access to the Pentland, whilst the north segments provide stairs access to the Pentland Auditorium.

The Main (VIP) Lift is reached via the south segment of the West Passage.

The Pentland Foyer


You reach Level 3 via the Main Stairs facing West, the escalator facing East or the Main (VIP) Lift. This is an irregular shaped space, being much wider on its south side than it is on the north. The escalator and stairs are on the south side. There are doors to the Link and Main passages at each side, whilst steps lead up north towards the Link Passage and Pentland Auditorium on the north side of the Foyer.

There are five sets of steps separated by double hand rails. There's a single rail up the outside of these steps. You go up six steps, going north then through double pull doors into the Link Passage. The equivalent pull doors to the Pentland Auditorium are in front of you.

Note that, at the time of our survey, there were some bistro style tables in the Foyer.


South Side, Going East from the top of the Main Stairs

From the top of the stairs turn right (90 degrees, north), release the hand rail, there is a pillar to your right, go past the pillar then turn right (90 degrees, east).

waste recycling bins
water Cooler
wall retreats, blank wall with fire extinguishers
wall retreats to Servery, wood panel doors
wall juts out
blank wall
double push doors into Level 3 East Passage South segment

Northeast Side, Going Northwest

  double push doors into Level 3 East Passage South segment
wood panelling
wall juts out
wood panelling
planter, low sofa to the left
wood panel juts out
wood panel retreats
double push doors to Link Passage, opposite doors to Fintry Auditorium
wood panel juts out, pillar just to your left
wall retreats, planter
wood panel juts out leading to bottom of steps
hand rail
up six steps, going north
wood panelling, wall juts out

North Side, Going West

  right hand set of double pull doors to Link Passage and Pentland Auditorium
wall juts out then retreats
left hand set of double pull doors to Link Passage and Pentland Auditorium
wall juts out

Northwest Side, Going Southwest

  wood panelling leading to top of steps
hand rail
down six steps, going south
wood panelling
wall retreats, pillar
wall juts out again then retreats
double push doors leading northwest into Link Passage, opposite doors to Sidlaw Auditorium
wood panelling wall juts out
wood panelling wall juts out, planter
recess with low sofa,
wooden wall
double push doors into Level 3 West Passage South segment

South Side, Going East from the Doors to the West Passage

  blank wall retreats
fire Extinguishers
blank wall
waste recycling bins
glass barrier with hand rail
glass barrier with hand rail
gap to escalator

Turn right (180 degrees, west) you are now facing the top of the escalator.

The Level 3 West Passage, Going Clockwise

From the Pentland Foyer, you go through push double doors into the south segment.

Left-Hand (Outer) Side

  first single push door to Level 3 VIP Lift Foyer
second single push door to Level 3 VIP Lift Foyer
through pull double doors, across slight lip in floor, into middle segment
blank wall retreats and juts out again
wall curves right with pillar and window
pillar and another window
blank wall
door to unisex, accessible toilet
through double push doors, into North segment
first single push door towards North Fire Exit
second single push door towards North Fire Exit
blank wall
blank door across end

Right-Hand (Inner Side

  through double push doors into south segment
wall retreats
ledge with leaflets
four wooden booths, pay phone in near one
double pull doors into Level 3 Link Passage
blank wall
wall retreats
blank wall curves left
through double pull doors, slight lip in floor, into middle segment
wall curves right
blank wall
wall retreats
blank wall
information monitor
blank wall with vertical finned radiator in recess, caution this may be hot to touch
blank wall with vertical finned radiator in recess, caution this may be hot to touch
blank wall
wall retreats
blank wall
information monitor
blank wall
wall juts out
blank wall
single pull door - door 3 to Sidlaw Auditorium
blank wall
information monitor
blank wall
single pull door - door 5 to Pentland Auditorium,
wall juts out
blank wall with vertical finned radiator in recess, caution this may be hot to touch
blank wall
through double push doors, into North segment
wall retreats twice
single pull door - door 7 to Pentland Auditorium
blank door across end

The Level 3 East Passage, Going Anti-Clockwise

From the Pentland Foyer, you go through push double doors with horizontal bars on the inside, going east into the south segment.

Left-Hand (Inner) Side

  blank wall
wall juts out
recess to wooden counter
blank wall
double pull doors, vertical handles into Level 3 Link Passage
blank wall curves right
wall juts out
through double pull doors, with horizontal handles, into middle segment
blank wall
blank wall
information monitor
blank wall
wall juts out
blank wall with vertical finned radiator in recess, caution this may be hot to touch
Blank wall with another vertical finned radiator in recess, caution this may be hot to touch
blank wall
recess to blank door
blank wall
information monitor
wall juts out
blank wall with vertical finned radiator in recess, caution this may be hot to touch
blank wall with vertical finned radiator in recess, caution this may be hot to touch
blank wall
recess to single pull door with vertical handle - Door 4, to Fintry Auditorium
blank wall
information monitor
blank wall
single pull door with vertical handle - Door 6, to Pentland Auditorium, jutting out
blank wall with vertical finned radiator in recess, caution this may be hot to touch
through push double doors, horizontal bars on inside, into north segment
blank wall retreats
wall curves to single pull door, with vertical handle - Door 8 to Pentland Auditorium
blank door across end

Right-Hand (Outer) Side

  blank wall
first door to South Fire Exit
second door to South Fire Exit
through pull double doors with horizontal bars, into middle segment
blank wall
wall retreats to glass brick wall
blank wall
wall juts out
blank wall
wall retreats
blank wall
wall retreats to glass brick wall
blank wall
wall juts out
blank wall
wall retreats
blank wall
fire extinguishers
wall retreats to glass brick wall
blank wall
wall juts out
blank wall
wall retreats
blank wall
glass brick wall
wall juts out
double push doors, with horizontal bars inside, into north segment
wall juts out then retreats
first single push door to East Fire Exit
second single push door to East Fire Exit
blank door across end

The Level 3 Link Passage

This curves from northwest to southwest between the south segments of the East and West passages. Doors on the south side, from the Pentland Foyer, are opposite the south doors to the auditoria.

From the East Passage, you go through pull doors, with horizontal handles, going northwest.

North Side, Going West

  double pull doors, horizontal handles, to Fintry Auditorium
up five steps, hand rail each side, going west
through double pull doors, vertical handles
blank wall
east pull double doors into Pentland Auditorium
wall juts out
second, west set of pull double doors into Pentland Auditorium
blank wall
through push double doors
down five steps, going west with hand rail each side
pull double doors into Sidlaw Auditorium
blank wall
through push double doors into West Passage

South) Side, Going West

  push double doors into Pentland Foyer
up five steps, hand rail each side, going west
through double pull doors, vertical handles
blank door
double push doors into Pentland Foyer, opposite east doors into Pentland Auditorium
double push doors into Pentland Foyer, opposite west doors into Pentland Auditorium
wall juts out
blank door
through push double doors
down five steps, going west with hand rail to each side
push double doors, opposite entrance to Sidlaw Auditorium
through push double doors into West Passage



© 2013, Terry Robinson